
Agro Mixat elements

Agro Mixat elements

Chelated quickly absorbed micro elements

It’s the balanced nutrient that contain an ideal combination of micro elements in shape of chelated EDTA to meet the plant’s dietary requirements .

Agro Mixat elements

Chelated quickly absorbed micro elements

It’s the balanced nutrient that contain an ideal combination of micro elements in shape of chelated EDTA to meet the plant’s dietary requirements .

Agro Mixat elements consists of :

5% Iron

3% Zinc

3% Manganese

1% Boron

0.2% Copper

0.2% Molybdenum

  • Agro Mixat elements achieve a compound of 2 : 1 : 1 Iron : Zinc : Manganese and they are the best choice for plant needs and requirements .
  • Agro Mixat elements provide the plant with it’s needs from micro elements in alkaline soils where it’s difficult to be absorbed through the roots .
  • Agro Mixat elements treat the yellowing of the leaves as a result of the deficiency of one of the micro elements in the plant.
  • Agro Mixat elements is ideal in the flowering stage as it contains the elements needed to improve the fruit set and fertilization .
  • Agro Mixat elements is easy to be absorbed by leaves spraying and achieve the desired results with high efficiency due to the EDTA chelating technique .

Country of origin : Spain

Rate of use:

Vegetable crops : 75 -100 gm /100 L.

Fruit trees : 500 – 750gm / 600 L.

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