

Soil applicable chelated iron

The source of the iron element , chelated on EDDHA, to avoid the symptoms of iron deficiency on the plant through the terrestrial addition, consists of :

6% Total iron

4.8% Ortho ortho chelated iron


Soil applicable chelated iron

The source of the iron element , chelated on EDDHA, to avoid the symptoms of iron deficiency on the plant through the terrestrial addition, consists of :

6% Total iron

4.8% Ortho ortho chelated iron

  • Ferrium follows one of the modern methods of chelating , by preserving the iron ion from its bond with one of the soil components and thus making it more accessible to the plant when it is needed. The ortho ortho method guarantees 100% preservation for iron ions.
  • Ferrium provides a source of iron up to 60 days from the date of use, which is more stable in the soil than any other source of iron .
  • In case of the alkaline soil , iron availability in the soil is reduced, especially when it exceed PH = 7, and become in a non-absorbable form by the plant roots, mainly iron oxide, and this is the role of EDDHA , which remains stable and works efficiently to high levels of alkalinity exceeding PH = 10 .
  • Iron plays many important roles in the plant. It is an activator for many enzymes. It is a catalyst for many reactions, especially in breathing, DNA synthesis, and the chlorophyll molecule synthesis. Therefore, it’s deficiency symptoms appear as yellowing between the veins in modern leaves.
  • There are 80% of the total iron in the plant in photosynthetic cells, where it is found in many sites in this system, including photosystem (1) , and photosystem (2) , the cytochrom complex and the ferrodoxin molecule .
  • This distribution indicates that the iron is directly involved in photosynthetic activity, and it’s reduction affects the final yield.

Country of origin : Spain .

Rate of use:

– Soil treatment

Vegetable crops: 0.5 -1 kg / feddan.

Fruit trees: 20 – 50 g / tree.

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