Agro Flower

Agro Flower

The title of flowering

Agro Flower is the maestro of flowering in plants , as it’s the controller of this critical stage , where it works to propel the flowering process and fixing the new fruit .

Agro Flower

The title of flowering

Agro Flower is the maestro of flowering in plants , as it’s the controller of this critical stage , where it works to propel the flowering process and fixing the new fruit .

Agro Flower is composed of :

12% Free amino acids

3% Tryptophan amino acid

1% Auxin

3.3% Nitrogen

2% Molybdenum

1% Boron

  • Agro flower contains high ratio of amino acids that help the plant to get rid of the stress and provide a healthy environment to it to do the stage of flowering perfectly .
  • Agro flower is characterized by containing tryptophan amino acid which is the 1st step in all ways of auxin synthesis in plant .
  • Agro Flower help in propelling the plant to do flowering process and fixing the new fruit and preventing it’s falling through the perfect auxin’s concentration in it
  • Agro Flower helps in improving pollination , fertilization and pollen tube growth due to the presence of molybdenum and boron .
  • Agro Flower helps in the cell elongation , so increasing the weight of the fruit , and helps in early collection of the yield and homogenization of the maturity of fruits .
  • Agro Flower is the perfect addition to the flowering stage from Agrochemical .

Country of origin : Spain

Rate of use: 100 -150 cm / 100 L

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