


The sourc of organic matter

  • It’s a source of organic acids , plant growth stimulator , and soil properties improver. Heyomixat is the trade name of three products varies in the ratio between potassium humate and fulvic acid to be suitable for all land as follows :


The sourc of organic matter

  • It’s a source of organic acids , plant growth stimulator , and soil properties improver. Heyomixat is the trade name of three products varies in the ratio between potassium humate and fulvic acid to be suitable for all land as follows :

–  Heyomixat N1

85% Potassium hydroxide.

15% Fulvik Acid.

Heyomixat N2

80% Potassium Humate.

12% Fulvic acid.


Heyomixat N3

75% potassium humate.

8% Fulvic acid.

  • Heyomixat is a good source of energy for beneficial microorganisms in soil, and the function of these microorganisms directly affects soil fertility and plant health.
  • Heyomixat plays a role in the decomposition of toxic substances such as pesticides and aflatoxins, thus facilitating the microbial decomposition of these toxins, due to the presence of electrically charged regions that attract and deactivate these toxins. Even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends the use of humate compounds to clean up toxic regions .
  • Heyomixat works to increase the soil’s ability to retain water, especially in the area of ​​root hairs, where it can carry about seven times it’s size, making it like sponge.
  • Heyomoixat help to build the soil texture and make it disassembled, which provides a good ventilation for the roots and microorganisms, and good drainage of water beyond the need of the plant.
  • Heyomixat protects plant from some ground pathogens, which secrete enzymes to penetrate the plant’s cells and disrupt it’s defense systems, by stabilizing and disrupting these enzymes, thus limiting the pathogen’s ability to invade the plant host .
  • Heyomixat maintain the soil temperature from rapid changes and regulates water evaporation rate from the soil .
  • Heyomixat works to neutralize the alkalinity of the earth , so many of the elements that formed complexes are not soluble due to the high alkalinity, become soluble and available to absorbed by the roots.
  • It also releases carbon dioxide from calcium carbonate, either to be used by the plant, or to be carbonic acids that release elements from the soil to feed the plant.
  • Heyomixat increase the rate of growth of the roots , that make scientists to classify it as a stimulator for root growth. Experiments have shown that soil treatment with humic and fulvic acid increases the root weight by 20-50% compared to roots in the untreated soils.
  • Heyomixat inhibits the formation of insoluble forms of mineral elements, such as oxides, hydroxides, carbonates and sulfates. It has been found that the increased concentration of these organic acids delays and inhibits the formation of these forms by chelating and forming complexes between organic matter and metal elements.
  • Heyomixat act as a chelating substance for bivalent metal elements , as Fe , Zn , Mn , Mg , Ca , Cu because of the presence of two regions charged with two negative charges attracted to them a metallic cation with two positive charges to be chelated .
  • Chelation reduces the toxicity of the element as a cation and prevent the washing of the element and increase it’s availability to the plant.

Country of origin : Spain

Rate of use:

– Soil treatment :

Vegetable crops : 1 – 2 Kg / Feddan.

Fruit trees : 2 – 3 Kg / Feddan.

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