
Agro Len

Agro Len

Agro Len compound from Agrochemical contains controlled ratios of boron and molybdenum in an easily absorbable form of plant

Agro Len

Agro Len compound from Agrochemical contains controlled ratios of boron and molybdenum in an easily absorbable form of plant, composed of :

3% Boron

3.5% Molybdenum

* Boron is a bio element in the plants with many functions, such as:

  • The formation of the cell wall of the plant cell by forming complexes with pectin, where the boron in the cell wall is estimated at more than 90% of the total boron in the plant.
  • Is necessary for the activity of the areas of the Mrestimatic zones as roots tops, new leaves and buds.
  • Plays an important role in the structural and functional integration of the plasma membrane, by its ability to activate the proton pump and thus activation the ion’s entry into the cell.
  • plays an important role in the synthesis of phenols and plant protection from reactive oxygen species (ROS), which lead to oxidation of cell contents and death.
  • Important in the process of fixing the nitrogen of the atmospheric air in legume plants and is necessary for the development of bacterial nodes properly and effectively.
  • Is necessary for the process of germination of pollen and elongation of the tube during pollination .
  • Plays a role in the transmission of sugars through the cortex through formation of sugar borate complexes .
  • Molybdenum functions in Agro Len are enzymatic activators of many enzymes necessary to reduce nitrate to ammonium to be ready for plant use .
  • And also enters the last step in the formation of abscisic acid and auxins such as (IAA).
  • It is a major component of the Nitrogenase enzyme within bacterial nodes in legume plants and is responsible for the stabilization of atmospheric nitrogen.

Agroline is the optimal addition of root crops, legumes, and paper crops to its ability to stimulate nitrate reduction to benefit plants, which are poisonous to human when they accumulate in leafy vegetables.

Country of origin : Spain.

Rate of use:

Vegetable crops: 50 – 80 cm / 100 L.

Fruit trees: 400 – 600 cm / 600 L.

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