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Agro Molibor plus

Agro Molibor plus

The source of boron and molybdenum, an ideal addition during the flowering stages for the tuberous, leguminous and green crops

Agro Molibor plus

The source of boron and molybdenum, an ideal addition during the flowering stages for the tuberous, leguminous and green crops, consists of :

8% Boron.

11% Molybdenum.

  • Agro Molibar plus is an essential part of the fertilization of leguminous crops, because of the effect of boron and molybdenum directly on the processes of formation and development of bacterial root nodes, stabilization of the nitrogen of the atmospheric air, and the activity of the nitrogenase enzyme responsible for this process .
  • As Agro Molibar plus contains a high ratio of boron , it’s considred as an important edition to root and tuber crops such as potatoes and beet, to increase the ratio of sugars in the latent ages .
  • Agro Molibar Plus promotes the synthesis of amino acids in the plant by providing ammonium + NH4, which is the result of the nitrate-NO3 reduction process, which eventually turns into the amino-NH2 group that enters the synthesis of amino acids.
  • Agro Molibar Plus is important in the formation of the cell wall, and is necessary in the activation of the division of the meristimatic crests in the plant, and plays a role in the membranous and functional integration of the plasma membrane responsible for the choice and the flow of ions and compounds.
  • Agro Molibar Plus is essential for implantation, growth and elongation of the pollination tube. As it form bonds and complexes between Botrare and polyhydroxyl to aid in the feeding and formation of the pollen tube, and also through it’s involvement in the cell wall formation of the developing pollen tube . These processes lead to more efficient fertilization, and a better economical return quantitavely and qualitatively.

Country of origin: Spain

Rate of use:

Vegetable crops: 50 gm / 100 L

Fruit trees: 250 gm / 600 L

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