
Alfa Amino

Alfa Amino

The highest compound in the ratio of amino acids

Alfa Amino

The highest compound in the ratio of amino acids, as it contains :

80% Amino acids

Proteins in the plant represent about 50% of it’s dry weight and the amino acids consider as the basis of protein synthesis process.

  • Alfa Amino compensates the plant need for the amino acids to make the plant able to form proteins after the exposure to any type of stress as high temperature , increased salts concentration in the water and soil or it’s exposure to the pathogens or even any disturbance in the some elements concentration because of not depending on an organized fertilization and immunizing programs .
  • Alfa Amino is considred as a chelating substance for the micro elements when it’s added to them or when it’s presence in the plant as it improve the efficiency of it’s movement to the places of need and deficiency .
  • Alpha Amino activates photosynthesis process,increases its efficiency and helps in the formation of the chlorophyll that preserves the green color of the plant.
  • Alpha Amino regulates the biological and vital processes in the plant and increases their efficiency .
  • Alpha amino works on increasing the yield and its quality, and accelerate maturity and early growth.

Country of origin : Spain

Rate of use:

Vegetable crops : 150 gm / 100 L

Fruit trees : 900 gm / 600 L

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