
Amino Fish

Amino Fish

Dry matter factory

The source of the amino acids from which the proteins and plant enzymes are made up from , as well as the high percentage of the natural organic matter , this combination in the overall lead to push the rate of dry matter synthesis in the plant , and thus the economic return increase

Amino Fish

Dry matter factory

The source of the amino acids from which the proteins and plant enzymes are made up from , as well as the high percentage of the natural organic matter , this combination in the overall lead to push the rate of dry matter synthesis in the plant , and thus the economic return increase , and it is composed of :

37.5%  Amino acids.

59% natural organic matter , including 26% of organic carbon .

+ Macro elements ( Nitrogen – Phosphorus – Potassium ).

  • Amino Fish provides plant cells with ready combinations of amino acids to be used in the protein synthesis , which consider 50% of the dry matter weight of the plant.
  • Amino Fish is an ideal addition to post-environmental or biotic stress due to pathogens, where the plant can’t play it’s active role in the amino acid manufacturing .
  • Amino Fish is characterized by containing the natural organic matter, including carbon structures used mainly for the manufacture of various organic compounds,carbohydrate and compounds of a special nature that distinguish one plant from another.
  • Amino Fish stimulates photosynthesis process reactions and regulates the interference of the intracellular processes, increasing both the economic return quantitavely and qualitatively .
  • Amino Fish is mainly responsible for increasing the plant’s dry matter and the resulting fruits, reducing the plant’s juiciness, making them more durable for handling and storage, and increasing their content of compounds and nutrients.

Country of origin : Spain

Rate of use:

Vegetable crops: 100 -150 cm / 100 L.

Fruit trees: 500 -750 cm / 600 L.

– Soil treatment: 1.5 – 2 L / Feddan.

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