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Agro gloconate

Agro gloconate

Copper source in it’s organic form

Agro Gloconate contains the latest technology in the world by chelating the copper element on gluconic acid .

Agro gloconate

Copper source in it’s organic form

Agro Gloconate contains the latest technology in the world by chelating the copper element on gluconic acid .

Composed of:

40% Copper gluconates .

6.5% copper .

  • Agro Gloconate is a fast copper element absorper source , an element found in low concentrations in the plant and has many benefits including :
  • Copper activates some important enzymes in the formation of lignin in plant tissues, which increases the self-resistance to fungal diseases.
  • Copper is an important element in photosynthesis process .
  • Copper is important in breathing and helps in the metabolism of carbohydrate and protein.
  • Copper participates as an essential element in intensifying flavor and color in vegetables, and intensifying the color of cut flowers .
  • Copper is an inactive element in the plant, so the symptoms of it’s deficiency appear on the new leaves as yellowish colour between the veins that may extend to the appearance of dead spots and burning in the edges of the leaves.
  • Agro Gloconate acts as a prophylactic and therapeutic non specialized antifungal against a very large variety of fungi. The increased concentration of copper in fungal spores and developing meclium leads to the destruction of it’s enzymatic system and thus it’s death and this lead to the discontinuation and prevention of infection .
  • Agro Gloconate is the ideal solution for prevention of bacterial infections in many crops, such as bacterial tomato diseases, and fire blight in pears.
  • Agro Gloconate follows the global manufacturing standards with copper chloride not more than 1000 ppm and impurities of other elements of 250 ppm .
  • Agro Gloconate is very suitable for use during flowering, it does not affect the flowers and it’s double systemic in the plants .

Country of origin: Spain.

Rate of use:

– vegetative spraying: 150 – 200 cm / 100 L.

– soil treatment: 1- 2 L / feddan .

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